Friday, 14 March 2014

Retirement home for old Grummans

Mark Wagner has sent me this shot of the ramp at California City last October showing 11 G2s and 3s with most of them having their engines removed. I guess this is the only way the remaining fleet will stay in the air.           See
click on image to see full size, click on Comments for IDs
Copyright Mark Wagner

An earlier shot (April 2013) of G2 ZS-CTL (218) in the line. One of my last G2 frames. Tear in the eye! Credit: Steve Smith


  1. From the top

    G2 N36RR (004)
    G2 N550WP (176)
    G3 C-GBBB (368)
    G2 VP-BFF (186)
    G3 N378SE (378)
    G2 N800RT (047)
    G2 N706TJ (212)
    G2 N17KJ (200)
    G2 ZS-CTL (218)
    G2 ???
    G2 N605RA (057)

    Just out of shot between the hangars was G2 N416KD (231)

    Any help with the missing one or any corrections much appreciated.

  2. Hi Bob,

    Great picture!

    This is my list noted 23 oct 2013

    (C-GBBB) G-III stored, c/n on nose
    (N17KJ) G-IISP stored, c/n on nose
    (N36RR) G-IIB moved from storage, c/n
    (N190RP) G-IISP stored, no engines, c/n
    (N378SE) G-III stored, no engines, c/n
    (N416KD) G-II worked, in front of hangar
    N550WP G-IISP stored, visible registration
    (N555XS) G-III in hangar, without tail
    (N605RA) G-IISP stored, c/n on nose
    (N706TJ) G-IISP no engines, ‘JetStar’ titles
    (N800RT) G-IISP stored, no engines, c/n
    (N880WE) G-II tail section only in dump
    (VP-BFF) G-IISP stored, no engines, c/n
    (ZS-CTL) G-II stored, c/n on nose

    Greetings Ron

  3. Thanks Ron

    Looks like N190RP (136) is the missing one.
