Tuesday, 25 September 2018

Round-up 25/9

On the 21st, G650 N651GA (6351) flew from Savannah to Appleton as GLF47 while G550 N583GA (5583) looks to have made a first flight from Savannah that day. On the 22nd, G650 N652GD (6352) flew from Savannah to Long Beach as GLF92. Upgrades to G650ER were 6321 and 6324. As this is the last week of the quarter, hopefully a few deliveries will take place shortly. Gulfstream also hinted that the first G500 may be delivered at the end of Q3 but that may be wishful thinking. Can't be long though as the NBAA is only 3 weeks away and I'm sure they'll want to be able to have it done by then. They may also have another announcement then but I'll keep quiet for now.
Am still receiving regular photos for the Gulfstream photo site (link) with contributors from Long Beach, Van Nuys and Geneva as well as my local London airports. This one by Paul Suter certainly caught my eye.

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