Friday, 11 January 2019

IAI to Gulfstream pt3

The final part of this story (for now) brings us up to date. The 1126 Galaxy used the Astra SPX wing but had a wider fuselage enabling 3 abreast seating and new engines. It first flew on December 25th 1997. In 2001 (along with the Astra that was in production at the same time) it was rebranded the G200 to reflect the merger with Gulfstream. The last G4s became G300s and G400s (G4SP) to complete the range. A total of 250 G200s were built with the last one being rolled out at Tel Aviv in December 2011.
The G200 evolved in to the G250 and first flew on December 11th 2009. Improvements over the earlier G200 included new engines, an updated glass cockpit and a larger wing plus a T-tail. With China becoming an ever more important customer for Gulfstream, it was found that the number 250 in Mandarin was "inappropriate" so the model was rebranded as the G280. Deliveries of these to Dallas for outfitting continue as can be seen in the updates on this blog.
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) have now been producing biz jets for 50 years and are just about at the 1000 mark (the 180th G280 will do that). Long may they continue.
G200 above at GVA and G280 below at PBI


  1. A considerable, yet concise, history lesson here Bob. Very nicely done. Great supporting images too.

  2. Thanks FKL. You have been a great influence on my writing for which I am very grateful.
