... designated G-159 and now known as the Gulfstream 1 was a turboprop powered by 2 Rolls Royce Darts. The prototype first flew on 14th August 1958 at Bethpage NY. 200 of these were built before the jet models came on line. Production ceased in 1969 but some examples are still flying (2008). Cons 013 and 113 were not allocated. 5 examples were stretched to become the G-159C.
The Gulfstream 2
... first flew on 2nd October 1966 and designated G-1159. 256 of this model were built. The first 7 were built at Bethpage NY and number 8 was the first built at Savannah Ga. During the move from Bethpage to Savannah 2 production lines were in operation concurrently. Approximately 20 were built at Bethpage and from number 41 onwards, all were built in Georgia. Some of the last built had tip tanks fitted on the production line. Many have been converted to G2B (a G3 wing) or more recently to G2SP (blended winglets). The hush kit conversion have given a new lease of life to the G2 and G3 and many can still be seen.
Construction numbers in the range from 1 to 258. Numbers 249 and 252 were actually built as G3s. Number 775 was built out of sequence as a demonstrator was required and Grumman didn't want to push customers allocated frames back. A gap was then left at 87 to compensate.
The Gulfstream 3
... first flew on 2nd December 1979 and designated G-1159A. 202 of this model were built.
Both the 2 and 3 are powered by the smaller Rolls Royce Spey engines compared to the larger Tay engines of the later models. The G2 can be recognised by the extra cockpit windows.
Construction numbers in the range 300 to 498. Number 875 was another out of sequence demonstrator and was built between 322 and 323.
The Gulfstream 4
... first flew on 19th September 1985. 536 of this model were built which includes the later G4SP which had a greater range. The last few built were rebranded as G300 (G4) and G400 (G4SP) to come in line with the new Israeli models (G100 Astra and G200 Galaxy). All are fitted with blended winglets.
Construction numbers in the range 1000 to 1535.
The Gulfstream 5
... first flew on 28th November 1995.
193 of this model were built. Originally had 6 windows each side but some later ones had 7 windows on the right (still 6 on the left) which sometimes makes it difficult to distinguish from the later G550. This was a customer option and does not effect the designation. It was not possible to add a window on the left because of the entry door position. The following frames have been identified as having the extra window; 501,562,576,603, 605,606,614,616,640 and 690. The G5 and G550 are powered by the one piece BR 700 engines.
Construction numbers in the range 501 to 693 with 699 probably to replace 666 which wasn't built.
The G550
... and the shorter range G500 are still in production and have passed the 550 units mark. Originally designated G5SP, the first production aircraft (5001) flew for the first time on 18th July 2002. Israel are currently developing an AEW version. The 550 differs from the G5 by having the entry door slightly further forward allowing for the extra (7th) window on the left.
Construction numbers start at 5001.
The G450
... and the shorter range G350 are still in production and have passed the 350 units mark. The first aircraft (4001) flew for the first time on 30th April 2003. Slightly longer than the G4 with the entry door set further back and has a one piece Tay engine.
Construction numbers start at 4001.
There is no external difference between the (old) G500 and G550 or the G350 and G450. The differences are the fuel tanks, undercarriage and avionics.
The G650
First flight (6001) was on 25th November 2009. The crash of the 2nd prototype in 2011 delayed the program. Further events can be found in this blog.
The G500/G600
The (new) G500 was rolled out on 14th October 2014. Further events can be found in this blog.
Con plates

The constructors plate was originally attached to the side of the entry door but on later examples appears on the aft fuselage just by the rear of the engines.

and finally .....
The author has been chasing Gulfstreams for more years than he cares to remember now. All this chasing has kept him fit though.
Thanks to Graham Wasey for taking the picture at the 2008 EBACE at Geneva onboard G5 N500GV of Air Rutter International.
See my website at http://www.gulfstreams.zenfolio.com/ where I am trying to build up a collection of every Gulfstream jet (Savannah built) produced. Should you have any pictures that you think could be considered for inclusion, please send them to me at Wembleybob@aol.com
Nice run-down of the Gulfstream types, but how do i know if i have photographed a G.500 or G.550 ?
N754BA is listed as G.V on the FAA website, while is actually is a G.550.
And thanks for adding my pic to the website ;)
Bye, Chris.
I don't think there is any external difference between the G500 and the G550. The 550 has a longer range than the 500 so the fuel tanks will be bigger but other than that I certainly can't tell the difference. The same goes for the 350 and the 450.
The G500/550 is the newer version of the G5 and was originally called the G5SP which is why the register still shows G5 but usually has the new model in brackets.
Thanks for the pics.
Just wanted to say thanks for your great website and also for letting me be a contributor!
I am trying to find out the difference in max range between the GIIB and GIISP. Is there a significant difference between the two models?
Aviation Partners, manufacturer of the winglets quote a fuel saving of 7% when they're fitted to the 2SP. Not sure about the G2B. This modification included new wings so presumably had a range nearer the G3. Any clarification of this would be most welcome.
Have had another look at ranges and found the following comparison table which might claify.
Based on a 7% increase by converting to an SP from a straight 2, the range is increased to 2940nm compared to 3669 of the 2B.
Confirmation would still be appreciated. Bob
Hi Bob, This may also help in aircraft ranges etc... for the Gulfstram see below link and trawl through not a bad link !.
Excellent site !
Cheers & All The Best Darren
Thank you for using VP BNR I am on of the pilots on that aircraft. It is pretty isn't it ?
Thanks for visiting my blog. Nice to see a Gulfstream in a decent scheme. Most of the new ones are not too exciting although there are some exceptions, your fleet included.
Awesome site! Love all the pictures! I have always wondered, on a Gulfstream, how does the cabin door open from the outside of the aircraft? I've seen a few G550's up close, including the Deputy Secretary of Defense's, Gordon Englands, but have never seen one opened up. Thanks for the site!
P.S. - I don't know if you have a picture of a DOD's plane on your website, if you'd like, I can upload it for you. Although it was a taken with a camera on a phone.
Very cool collection and website here! Thanks for making this available on-line to other VIP jet enthusiasts. Cheers from NYC.
Here is a good question, do you know the registration or any details of Gulfstream II serial number 68 shot down in Columbia August 12/06.
G2 con 068 (N308EE)was cancelled to Panama 22.06.2006 believed to be for spares.
Hi Bob
First visit for me to your page, great work. Just one question if I may. You have cn 5443 as N550AL but the FAA still have it as RES ?
Well spotted Flatty!
I noticed it was flying recently with reg so went straight to the new registration. The FAA are sometimes a little slow with their updates.
Hi, do you know anything about the new USCG GLF5?
It was delivered in Feb 2017, and has been using callsign C202.
Anon, this sounds like G5 02 (638) but this was delivered several years ago. Not aware of a new one. Where have you seen this?
Using hex code AE5F07, it flew into Washington DC again today [2017-03-19], and can be seen on tracking sites, such as https://planefinder.net.
I don't believe that it's 02, as this is still using callsign C102 and hex code AE4E05.
A bit of a mystery. What about 01. Is this still in service? If there is a 3rd one, it will probably be a 2nd hand machine. I notice that 02 is ex N888HE and that is still showing as current on the FAA register. All very strange. Keep me posted if you see anything new.
Yes, 01 is still flying as well, using hex AE10C1 and callsign C101.
Steve, I hope you've seen my latest blog post which resolves this. Thanks very much for bringing this to my attention.
Thanks for the info. So it seems that USCG are already using the new 02, while still using the old one, as C102 was flying again yesterday!
Do you have a link to the photos of N640W/02, please?
If you're already on Facebook, try https://www.facebook.com/aerosmithaviation/ or otherwise, drop me a line at wembleybob@aol.com
I found this one, thanks.
Great Blog, very informative. Thanks for all your hard work.
Chris Hughes
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